Ahhhh..! Most of the people who went to see a doctor in CMC, they would use these alphabets to relax.
My father is a heart patient and it is nearly 20 years. He visited almost every renowned hospitals in the country(Bangladesh) and Kolkata. At the beginning, he got better result in Kolkata but later they started being commercial. Therefore, we have to find a hospital where lives are more important than money. After consulting from experienced people who got treatment from CMC and googling , we decided to visit CMC, Vellore. Instead of being more personal, let’s take a view how was our excursion.
CMC or Christian Medical College is a private, minority(christian) run hospital founded by Dr. Ida Sophia Scudder in 1900 in Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. CMC is well known for certain departments such as Neurosciences, Gasteroenterology and Haematology. It is a national leader in the treatment of rare blood disorders and bone marrow transplantation). However it also gives high importance to less prominent specialities such as Rheumatology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Developmental Paediatrics and Palliative Care. Ophthalmology and Psychiatry departments are located on different campuses, as is the Rehabilitation Institute.
To know more about CMC, you may follow the below mentioned link
Things must/should consider before visiting to CMC:
- Book an appointment: Before you plan your journey to CMC, please book an appointment through online, email([email protected]) or contact number(+91 416-2283604). Otherwise, your on spot appointment may take 1-31 days.
- Be prepared to stay in Lodge/Hotel: It does not matter, you have a major/minor disease, at least prepare yourself to stay minimum 5 days near to CMC.
- Accompany someone: It is very difficult to follow up treatment procedures in CMC including long queue and roaming to and fro. It may take weeks from register to get medical reports. Sometimes, CMC do not allow single patient.
- ID Proof: Either you are an Indian or International patient, you must carry your Government issued ID card for example Aadhaar Card for Indian and Passport for foreign nationals. Your escort also must carry ID proof.
- Multilingual is a PLUS Point: It is said that 70% patients are Bengali spoken but all the doctors can not speak Bengali. Fluency in English and Hindi is really a good sum up.
Things you may feel bothersome:
- Long Queue: It barely matters its morning, noon, afternoon or evening. You must face long queue in every situation.
- Strict and intrusive security guards: They do not care who are you. They will make sure that you are following up everything as they want.
- Waiting for the Doctor: Most of the time, doctors are late. It may wait up to 6 hours or more.
- Food: Near to CMC, you will find various kind of fruits, local foods, Bengali foods, veg and non-veg foods. Mostly these foods are not healthy. It is better if you cook your own food. Cooking utensils are available near to CMC.
- Accommodation: Lodges and guest house are much cheaper than residential hotel. Lodges and guest will take advance of 5 days staying. It does not matter how long you are staying. On the other hand, you can get residential hotel for 1 day but charge is much higher than lodges and guest house.
Things may thrill you:
- Doctors: Doctors are very much approachable and amiable. They know how to value your time and money. It does not bother them to consult you for 30 minutes(if required).
- Diagnosis: Doctors will never force you to do unnecessary tests. CMC has the best technology to diagnose.
- Bengali Foods: When we were roaming around CMC, we were thinking that we are in Mini Bangladesh or Mini Kolkata. You will find most kind of Bengali foods there.
- Evening Breeze: You will never feel cold in Vellore even in winter. Take a walk around CMC, the evening breeze will take your heart away.
- Tourism: From Vellore to Chennai, Tirupati and Bangalore are 2-4 hours drives or train/bus route away. If you do not get your appointment on time, you should travel these spots. Besides, Vellore has some appealing temples to kill your short and boring hours.
- Warning Signs: Warning signs are written in Bengali along with Hindi. It really signifies to a Bengali.
What do people say about CMC, Vellore:
On Account of time taking treatment in CMC, we got chances to meet people from home and abroad. Due to incompetence of their previous doctors,
most of them are in CMC . We did not hear any negative comments
from a single patient regarding treatments. We are again called after 3 months and I will make sure upcoming updates.
Let me know how was my post. If you have any questions regarding CMC, Vellore, feel free to ask.